motivational quotes
-Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” -Bruce Lee "You have $86400 in your account and someone stole $10 from you. Would you be upset and throw all of the $86390 away in hopes of getting back at the person that took your $10? Or move on and live? Right, move on and live. See, we have 86400 seconds in every day. So, don't let someone's negative 10 seconds ruin the rest of the 86390. Don't sweat the small stuff, life is bigger than that!" “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” -George Bernard Shaw "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. Now you see me, now you don't. George thinks he will, but I know he won't. -Mohammed Ali “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” -Lao Tzu "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” -Alfred Tennyson "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." -Bruce Lee "We don't have a lot of time on this earth! Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements." -Peter Gibbons, Office Space “I live my life a quarter-mile at a time. Nothing else matters; not the mortgage; not the store; not my team and their bullshit. For those 10 seconds or less, I’m free.” -Fast and Furious "Travel while you are young and able. Don't worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be." "I would rather own a little and see the world than own the world and see a little." -Alexander Sattler "It's a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes, everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what's changed is you" - F.Scott Fitzerald "Travel as much as you can, as far as you can, as long as you can. Life is not meant to be lived in one place." "I love to walk a city, whether I've been there once or a hundred times before. It's amazing what sort of inspiration you'll find when you steal a second glance." - Erin Hiemstra "You'll never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place." "Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you reacher." "Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show." "We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us." "I would rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff." "The world is big, and i want to have a good look at it before it gets dark." - John Muir |